Success for insurance agents doesn’t simply spring forth from good policy, benefits and solicitation. Today’s client population values authenticity, and they expect it, too. A great way of being viewed as authentic through a client’s eyes is getting to know how they tick. In the same way you would with a friend, learn their wants and needs, likes and dislikes, and all their quirks in between.
Understanding each and every client will not only improve how they view you, but will directly improve your success as well, leading to better policy decisions, client success, and eventually referrals. Here are some tips to fully understand each client’s needs and personality.
Keep social media professional, (LinkedIn, Professional Twitter/FB)
Social media is a great way to stay in touch with a client while simultaneously getting to know them better. But there are boundaries.
LinkedIn and other professional social media accounts are great for connecting with clients. You can share information, market yourself and always have an avenue of conversation—their phone number or email may change, but typically their social media accounts will stay the same.
However, it’s important to only use your professional accounts. A client might not find the dialog between you and your friends or family appropriate. It is always better to keep these realms separate.
Genuinely follow up
This doesn’t have to be a calculated conversation. You do not have to follow up with a call asking about their work, job search or account, but something as simple as sharing an article that helps them with their specific, professional situation could go a long way. Showing you care is an important part of developing trust.
Are they hands on or hands off?
Knowing how your client wants to work with you is pivotal. Are they hands on? Educate them on your services and other means that will help out their situation. Do they prefer a hands-off approach? Then keep everything short, sweet and summarized, but make sure to keep information on hand in case they ask.
Ask them for advice in their field
The ball is constantly in your court, try giving it to them on occasion. Asking for their advice keeps the conversation professional, helps clients open up, and can balance out the power dynamics of your relationship. Plus, their insights may turn out to be useful.
Many industries and careers overlap. For instance, marketing and sales have the same goal—get people to buy your product—but use different means of achieving it. A salesperson can gain a different perspective from a marketer and vice versa.
Talk about goals, ambitions
Not only do goals and ambitions give direct insights into a client, but they can indirectly showcase their values and meaningful personality traits. Conservative ambitions could reflect simpler values—all they need is family and a safety net provided by insurance. On the other hand, someone whose ambitions “shoot for the moon” may have different values that could be better suited for strategies and policies, such as investing practices.
Get Feedback on their terms
Sure, you can ask clients in meetings for feedback, but not everyone is great at giving constructive feedback face-to-face, even if it hinders their services. Surveys and anonymous reviews can take the face-to-face jitters out of the equation and allow clients to give constructive feedback anonymously.
Even better, this can be done easily through social media or email with websites like Survey Monkey and Google Forms.
If a client does prefer the face-to-face feedback, definitely take advantage of it. Actively listening to the feedback will build trust and allow you to Taylor your services to that specific client.
Pay close attention to trends
With the number of clients insurance agents work with, each trend is bound to affect at least one. It’s vital that agents stay up-to-date and educated on forecasted trends to remain well-adjusted and prepared when these trends inevitably affect a client. This will build client trust and give more incentive for them to remain with their current agent.
Talk to customer service
Customer service employees are on the front lines of client feedback. They know what makes clients happy, as well as what makes them call customer service in the first place. These employees are a great asset who can probably list ten common comments they hear on the spot.